According to a story on MSNBC, a woman was awarded $9M after being dropped from her health insurance provider in 2004. When Patsy Bates, 52, found out that she had breast cancer, her health insurance, Health Net Inc., dropped her coverage and left her with more than $129,000 in unpaid hospital bills.
On Friday, arbitration judge, Sam Cianchetti ruled in favor of Ms. Bates, and awarded her million of dollars in punitive damages.
This story really hits home with me. Upon reading about her situation, I put myself in her place, and I immediately connected with her. Being diagnosed with cancer, and going through ridiculous amounts of treatment would already be more than I could bear. But then, to be dropped from your insurance, in the middle of care, is an absolute atrocity. I for one hope this sets an example for the rest of the insurance agencies worldwide.
"Obviously we regret the way that this has turned out, but we are intent on fixing the processes to maintain the public trust," spokesman David Olson said.
How can you drop someone when they actually need something in return? Most of the time you get free money from the rest of us that are in good health. You mean to tell me, you don't have a few hundred thousand lying around that you could give to people that actually, truly need it? Unacceptable. Perhaps we do need national health coverage like the other countries?
This story definitely has impact, because there are only a small percentage of people who do not have health insurance. I would say this story also has currency as well, seeing as how the hot topic with the candidates now is health care. And finally this story also has conflict. When the little person goes up against the big company, the outcome usually isn't favorable.
Link found here:
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Week 5 - AP Style Quiz I-L
1) The last time she played soccer, she sustained a serious injury to her knee. Sometimes it's hard to understand why she wants to keep playing. (2)
2) He was indicted on an assault charge, but his lawyer said the case against him is circumstantial and she is sure the inquiry will exonerate him. (2)
3) He knows it isn’t kosher, but green Jell-O is his favorite dessert. This admission has prompted his friends to question both his taste and his judgment. (3)
4) Now that he has DSL, he finds it much easier to go online to check his e-mail and download files. (3)
5) He stood at the lectern, addressing his longtime colleagues at the Knights of Columbus. (3)
2) He was indicted on an assault charge, but his lawyer said the case against him is circumstantial and she is sure the inquiry will exonerate him. (2)
3) He knows it isn’t kosher, but green Jell-O is his favorite dessert. This admission has prompted his friends to question both his taste and his judgment. (3)
4) Now that he has DSL, he finds it much easier to go online to check his e-mail and download files. (3)
5) He stood at the lectern, addressing his longtime colleagues at the Knights of Columbus. (3)
Week 5 - Copy Edit the World
Course # for this class according to sjsu, is 27993, not 55471 - via your syllabus

"you always have to option to buy certain content" should read you always have the option to buy certain content - via

In the first sentence "we've all ideas" should read we all have ideas - via

"fifth-grade" should read fifth-grader via-

Extra "the" in second paragraph - via

"you always have to option to buy certain content" should read you always have the option to buy certain content - via

In the first sentence "we've all ideas" should read we all have ideas - via

"fifth-grade" should read fifth-grader via-

Extra "the" in second paragraph - via

Week 5 - Feauture Lead
Feature Lead
NEW YORK – A squirrel stopped the commute of 47,000 people Monday afternoon when it climbed up the Metro-North Commuter Railroad power lines and set off an incredible chain of events.
While the squirrel was scampering around atop the lines, he unwittingly got himself electrocuted. The resulting power surge of the lone squirrel’s adventure weakened an overhead bracket, leaving a dangling live wire in an oncoming train’s path.
The wire became entangled with the passing train and ultimately caused the entire web of wires to be ripped down at high speeds.
The resulting incident left thousands of people stranded and waiting in Manhattan. The commuters all had to change their plans seeing as how the entire system was down until early Tuesday morning when crews finally got the power up and running.
No injuries were reported except for the loss of the adventurous squirrel.
NEW YORK – A squirrel stopped the commute of 47,000 people Monday afternoon when it climbed up the Metro-North Commuter Railroad power lines and set off an incredible chain of events.
While the squirrel was scampering around atop the lines, he unwittingly got himself electrocuted. The resulting power surge of the lone squirrel’s adventure weakened an overhead bracket, leaving a dangling live wire in an oncoming train’s path.
The wire became entangled with the passing train and ultimately caused the entire web of wires to be ripped down at high speeds.
The resulting incident left thousands of people stranded and waiting in Manhattan. The commuters all had to change their plans seeing as how the entire system was down until early Tuesday morning when crews finally got the power up and running.
No injuries were reported except for the loss of the adventurous squirrel.
Week 5 - News Story 3 & 4
News Story #3
A high-pressure gas pipe ruptured yesterday near Folsom and 11th Street, forcing near-by business owners and residents to evacuate a four-block area.
Around 12:30 p.m., a private construction crew was repairing sewer lines. During their repairs, they tore a two-inch gas pipe in half with a backhoe, resulting in a complete traffic gridlock and at least a 100-person evacuation.
Carlann Lauria, manager of Crocker’s Lockers, a self-storage facility on Folsom and 10th Street, says her customers,” ..were pretty irate.” However, her employees kept busy, collecting payments from their patrons outside the affected area.
The manager of Wa-Ha-Ka restaurant, Samantha Feldman, says she was forced to evacuate her building. The restaurant is located right next to the ruptured pipe. Ms. Feldman says the evacuation cost her at least $500 worth of business.
At the time of this writing, the pipe has been repaired according to PG&E. The gas was turned back on at 5:09 p.m.
News Story # 4
Last Saturday night, Alan Tiscas-Soto, a 21-year-old man stole a car from a newly married couple, with the bride still in the front seat.
According to Sheryl Wolcott, a San Mateo County deputy district attorney, after their wedding on Saturday on their way to a romantic night at Embassy Suites, the couple stopped by Taco Bell on East Fourth Avenue in San Mateo, to subdue a late night snack craving. Not wanting his wife to get her wedding dress dirty and being more maneuverable in his tuxedo, the groom left the car running, with her inside as he walked into Taco Bell. The groom hadn’t even made it all the way through the door, when a man came rushing out and hopped into the groom’s still running automobile.
Frantic, the groom ran outside to the passenger door of his 2003 Nissan Altima, and tried desperately to get his wife out of the vehicle. The man attempting the carjacking was having a hard time getting the Nissan into gear, so luckily the groom had enough time and was able to get her out before the crazed carjacker crashed the car into a Taco Bell sign. After the crash, the carjacker got out of the car and ran away. Neither the groom nor the bride sustained any injuries. Witnesses immediately called the police.
Shortly after the incident, officer Brendan Boyle noticed a man resembling the suspect’s description running southbound on South Delaware Street and Ninth Avenue. Boyle called for backup and arrested the suspect without incident. However, police say that Mr. Tiscas-Soto told them he was high on methamphetamines for three straight days at the time of arrest.
Currently, Tiscas-Soto, is being held in San Mateo County Jail on a $100,000 bail. He is facing felony carjacking charges and misdemeanor drug charges. He does not have a criminal record. He pleaded not guilty on Monday in San Mateo Superior Court.
Sheryl Wolcott stated that the county private defender program has assigned no attorney to Mr. Tiscas-Soto as of yet. However, Ms. Wolcott also says that if the accused is found guilty, he could face up to nine years in state prison. A preliminary hearing is scheduled later this year on May 10th.
The couple’s names were not released at the time of this writing.
A high-pressure gas pipe ruptured yesterday near Folsom and 11th Street, forcing near-by business owners and residents to evacuate a four-block area.
Around 12:30 p.m., a private construction crew was repairing sewer lines. During their repairs, they tore a two-inch gas pipe in half with a backhoe, resulting in a complete traffic gridlock and at least a 100-person evacuation.
Carlann Lauria, manager of Crocker’s Lockers, a self-storage facility on Folsom and 10th Street, says her customers,” ..were pretty irate.” However, her employees kept busy, collecting payments from their patrons outside the affected area.
The manager of Wa-Ha-Ka restaurant, Samantha Feldman, says she was forced to evacuate her building. The restaurant is located right next to the ruptured pipe. Ms. Feldman says the evacuation cost her at least $500 worth of business.
At the time of this writing, the pipe has been repaired according to PG&E. The gas was turned back on at 5:09 p.m.
News Story # 4
Last Saturday night, Alan Tiscas-Soto, a 21-year-old man stole a car from a newly married couple, with the bride still in the front seat.
According to Sheryl Wolcott, a San Mateo County deputy district attorney, after their wedding on Saturday on their way to a romantic night at Embassy Suites, the couple stopped by Taco Bell on East Fourth Avenue in San Mateo, to subdue a late night snack craving. Not wanting his wife to get her wedding dress dirty and being more maneuverable in his tuxedo, the groom left the car running, with her inside as he walked into Taco Bell. The groom hadn’t even made it all the way through the door, when a man came rushing out and hopped into the groom’s still running automobile.
Frantic, the groom ran outside to the passenger door of his 2003 Nissan Altima, and tried desperately to get his wife out of the vehicle. The man attempting the carjacking was having a hard time getting the Nissan into gear, so luckily the groom had enough time and was able to get her out before the crazed carjacker crashed the car into a Taco Bell sign. After the crash, the carjacker got out of the car and ran away. Neither the groom nor the bride sustained any injuries. Witnesses immediately called the police.
Shortly after the incident, officer Brendan Boyle noticed a man resembling the suspect’s description running southbound on South Delaware Street and Ninth Avenue. Boyle called for backup and arrested the suspect without incident. However, police say that Mr. Tiscas-Soto told them he was high on methamphetamines for three straight days at the time of arrest.
Currently, Tiscas-Soto, is being held in San Mateo County Jail on a $100,000 bail. He is facing felony carjacking charges and misdemeanor drug charges. He does not have a criminal record. He pleaded not guilty on Monday in San Mateo Superior Court.
Sheryl Wolcott stated that the county private defender program has assigned no attorney to Mr. Tiscas-Soto as of yet. However, Ms. Wolcott also says that if the accused is found guilty, he could face up to nine years in state prison. A preliminary hearing is scheduled later this year on May 10th.
The couple’s names were not released at the time of this writing.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Week 2 - Top News
Largest Beef Recall Ever!
According to MSNBC, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recalled 143 million pounds of frozen beef today from Chino, California Westland/Hallmark Meat Company. The recall is based on evidence found by Ed Schafer, the Secretary of Agriculture, which proves the animals were routinely not given proper veterinary care when needed. "Because the cattle did not receive complete and proper inspection, Food Safety and Inspection Service has determined them to be unfit for human food," says Mr. Schafer.
Perhaps one of the most disturbing facts of this story is that 37 million pounds of this recalled beef has already been distributed to schools and is believed to have been consumed. And yet, the recall is for food from Feb 1, 2006. Way to go. Recall all the food after it has been eaten.
This is an incredible story. When I was reading about the horrible things being done to the animals, I couldn't help but picture a man with a white beard, a large top hat, and a huge monocle on one eye. Every part of this story screams wealthy tyrant. I would have to agree with Sen. Tom Harkin, and his question, "This begs the question: how much longer will we continue to test our luck with weak enforcement of federal food safety regulations?" I wish I knew the answer, but I threw out all of my meat in the fridge. How should I know where it came from? There isn't much truth to labels these days, just deception.
To the USDA, U.S. Government, or anyone who has power in the food industry. If there is any chance of a food product being tainted, recall it. Don't wait for preliminary investigations when there are lives at stake. Makes you wish everyone had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The world would be a much better/worse place.
Link found here:
The news values associated with this story are impact, prominence, timeliness, proximity, and currency.
Even if only one person bought a pound of beef each, this recall has the potential to affect a minimum of 143 million people. And since the factory was California based, it's safe to assume that whether you shop at Safeway, eat Jack in the Box, or In-N-Out is more your cup of tea, you have consumed some of this recalled meat. Scary thought isn't it?
According to MSNBC, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recalled 143 million pounds of frozen beef today from Chino, California Westland/Hallmark Meat Company. The recall is based on evidence found by Ed Schafer, the Secretary of Agriculture, which proves the animals were routinely not given proper veterinary care when needed. "Because the cattle did not receive complete and proper inspection, Food Safety and Inspection Service has determined them to be unfit for human food," says Mr. Schafer.
Perhaps one of the most disturbing facts of this story is that 37 million pounds of this recalled beef has already been distributed to schools and is believed to have been consumed. And yet, the recall is for food from Feb 1, 2006. Way to go. Recall all the food after it has been eaten.
This is an incredible story. When I was reading about the horrible things being done to the animals, I couldn't help but picture a man with a white beard, a large top hat, and a huge monocle on one eye. Every part of this story screams wealthy tyrant. I would have to agree with Sen. Tom Harkin, and his question, "This begs the question: how much longer will we continue to test our luck with weak enforcement of federal food safety regulations?" I wish I knew the answer, but I threw out all of my meat in the fridge. How should I know where it came from? There isn't much truth to labels these days, just deception.
To the USDA, U.S. Government, or anyone who has power in the food industry. If there is any chance of a food product being tainted, recall it. Don't wait for preliminary investigations when there are lives at stake. Makes you wish everyone had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The world would be a much better/worse place.
Link found here:
The news values associated with this story are impact, prominence, timeliness, proximity, and currency.
Even if only one person bought a pound of beef each, this recall has the potential to affect a minimum of 143 million people. And since the factory was California based, it's safe to assume that whether you shop at Safeway, eat Jack in the Box, or In-N-Out is more your cup of tea, you have consumed some of this recalled meat. Scary thought isn't it?
Week 2 - Leads
Lead #1
A local couple was awarded $150,00 in damages yesterday at Butte County Court, after suffering injuries from an accident in March.
Leads #2
Another snowstorm is expected to hit the Sierras again today, and more are on the way.
Leads #3
According to the police, a fire erupted at 204 Union Avenue today injuring three firefighters and forcing 41 families to evacuate a six-story building.
Lead Exercise #2
A US Air airplane on its way from Chicago plummeted into the ground yesterday as the plane was approaching the runway. All 131 people on board were killed resulting in the worst air disaster in the U.S. in the past three years.
A local couple was awarded $150,00 in damages yesterday at Butte County Court, after suffering injuries from an accident in March.
Leads #2
Another snowstorm is expected to hit the Sierras again today, and more are on the way.
Leads #3
According to the police, a fire erupted at 204 Union Avenue today injuring three firefighters and forcing 41 families to evacuate a six-story building.
Lead Exercise #2
A US Air airplane on its way from Chicago plummeted into the ground yesterday as the plane was approaching the runway. All 131 people on board were killed resulting in the worst air disaster in the U.S. in the past three years.
Week 4 - AP Style Quiz E-H
1) His new book, on elections and the Electoral College, is titled “Does Your Vote Count?" (4)
2) Brianna looked so sad that he wanted to envelop her in his arms and give her a big hug; but he was afraid the attention might faze her. (2)
3) They were so impressed by her flair for decorating, that they offered praise and agreed to distribute her promotional flier. (3)
4) He suspected his neighbor was selling drugs, so he called the FBI. His neighbor, however, cried foul at the accusation. (2)
5) The boys' stories didn’t jibe, so their father threw down the gauntlet and demanded the truth. (2)
6) My great-grandfather is a real gourmet, so I always let him pick the wine whenever we have dinner. (2)
2) Brianna looked so sad that he wanted to envelop her in his arms and give her a big hug; but he was afraid the attention might faze her. (2)
3) They were so impressed by her flair for decorating, that they offered praise and agreed to distribute her promotional flier. (3)
4) He suspected his neighbor was selling drugs, so he called the FBI. His neighbor, however, cried foul at the accusation. (2)
5) The boys' stories didn’t jibe, so their father threw down the gauntlet and demanded the truth. (2)
6) My great-grandfather is a real gourmet, so I always let him pick the wine whenever we have dinner. (2)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Week 4 - Top News
"HD War" is over?
(This story is based on the premise that Reuters is correct in their scoop)
When I awoke this morning, I found it no surprise that Reuters confirmed that Toshiba, the main driving force behind the HD-DVD format, would no longer be manufacturing HD-DVD players. However, it is somewhat of a surprise to see them just drop manufacturing altogether. If Reuters is correct, the company stands to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on this decision. But why would they decide to stop the production?
There have been many queues in the past several months, but it all started back in June 2007. The domino that started it all was Blockbuster, when they decided to go Blu-Ray only and not offer HD-DVD to their customers (however, let it be known, that I have never seen an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray disc in any Blockbuster ever - apparently they are only carried at select locations.). The world seemed to shrug this decision by Blockbuster off, because their revenue was down and their company seemed to be fading away (thanks to Netflix). Then in January 2008, Warner Bros. Studios stopped manufacturing their movies on HD-DVD format and decided to go completely Blu-Ray. This brought them up to par with the likes of Disney. Then just this week alone, both Netflix and Wal-Mart, the biggest seller of all DVD media, dropped the HD-DVD format for Blu-Ray discs.
This strange play of events has one company extremely happy and soon to be much richer; Sony. Top game analysts and major game publishers called the mandatory inclusion of a Blu-Ray player in the Playstation 3 (PS3), which resulted in a higher price tag, a huge mistake. They claimed the high price tag would discourage the average consumer from purchasing the new Playstation 3 (PS3). Apparently Sony gambled on the right format, because it looks like they won their first format war, after losing every other one in the past (ATRAC, Betamax, UMD)
This story has impact and timeliness due to the fact that people who already purchased HD-DVD players are out of luck and people that were on the fence waiting for war to end can now buy the winner with no buyer's remorse.
This story most certainly also has prominence because of Sony's defeat in the past. No one thought they would win, but yet here they are.
Last but not least, this story also has currency. This directly affects the high definition era in the years to come. Now instead of deciding whether to buy an HD-DVD player, or a Blu-Ray player based on movie availability, the public will now have to worry about buying the "most affordable" Blu-Ray player.
Link found here:
(This story is based on the premise that Reuters is correct in their scoop)
When I awoke this morning, I found it no surprise that Reuters confirmed that Toshiba, the main driving force behind the HD-DVD format, would no longer be manufacturing HD-DVD players. However, it is somewhat of a surprise to see them just drop manufacturing altogether. If Reuters is correct, the company stands to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on this decision. But why would they decide to stop the production?
There have been many queues in the past several months, but it all started back in June 2007. The domino that started it all was Blockbuster, when they decided to go Blu-Ray only and not offer HD-DVD to their customers (however, let it be known, that I have never seen an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray disc in any Blockbuster ever - apparently they are only carried at select locations.). The world seemed to shrug this decision by Blockbuster off, because their revenue was down and their company seemed to be fading away (thanks to Netflix). Then in January 2008, Warner Bros. Studios stopped manufacturing their movies on HD-DVD format and decided to go completely Blu-Ray. This brought them up to par with the likes of Disney. Then just this week alone, both Netflix and Wal-Mart, the biggest seller of all DVD media, dropped the HD-DVD format for Blu-Ray discs.
This strange play of events has one company extremely happy and soon to be much richer; Sony. Top game analysts and major game publishers called the mandatory inclusion of a Blu-Ray player in the Playstation 3 (PS3), which resulted in a higher price tag, a huge mistake. They claimed the high price tag would discourage the average consumer from purchasing the new Playstation 3 (PS3). Apparently Sony gambled on the right format, because it looks like they won their first format war, after losing every other one in the past (ATRAC, Betamax, UMD)
This story has impact and timeliness due to the fact that people who already purchased HD-DVD players are out of luck and people that were on the fence waiting for war to end can now buy the winner with no buyer's remorse.
This story most certainly also has prominence because of Sony's defeat in the past. No one thought they would win, but yet here they are.
Last but not least, this story also has currency. This directly affects the high definition era in the years to come. Now instead of deciding whether to buy an HD-DVD player, or a Blu-Ray player based on movie availability, the public will now have to worry about buying the "most affordable" Blu-Ray player.
Link found here:
Friday, February 15, 2008
Week 4 - News Story 1 & 2
New Story #1
Firefighters Save Man
Yesterday in San Jose, a fire broke out on Annapolis Way, engulfing a single-story home and leaving a man in grave condition at Valley Medical Center.
When firefighters arrived at around 3 p.m., they found Robert Kent, lying unconscious on the kitchen floor of his home surrounded by flames. While the fire is still under investigation, it appears to have started in the kitchen and worked its way to the attic. There were no smoke detectors found throughout the house.
According to Rob Piper, the San Jose fire Captain, Mr. Kent, who appears to be in his 50s and a retiree, has second and third-degree burns on 50 percent of his body. A nursing supervisor confirms that Mr. Kent is still listed in grave condition.
News Story #2
Cathedral Robbery
A couple from Taiwan was robbed at gunpoint yesterday in the Saint Mary Cathedral's parking lot.
According to Sgt. Lawrence Price of the San Francisco Police Department, police are on the lookout for a man who was last seen wearing a black jacket, and a black cap; approximately 18 years of age.
On a tour from Taipei, WeiMing Chen, 28, and his wife Li Lu, 30 became separated from their group around 10 a.m. After making their way to the lower parking lot, they were approached by a man who demanded their money while waving a gun around in the air.
The couple gave the man all they had, including their cash, their visas, their camera, their passports, and their airline tickets. After obtaining what he wanted, the assailant took off running.
It is still unclear if the couple made their 1 p.m. flight back to Taipei with the rest of their tour group.
Firefighters Save Man
Yesterday in San Jose, a fire broke out on Annapolis Way, engulfing a single-story home and leaving a man in grave condition at Valley Medical Center.
When firefighters arrived at around 3 p.m., they found Robert Kent, lying unconscious on the kitchen floor of his home surrounded by flames. While the fire is still under investigation, it appears to have started in the kitchen and worked its way to the attic. There were no smoke detectors found throughout the house.
According to Rob Piper, the San Jose fire Captain, Mr. Kent, who appears to be in his 50s and a retiree, has second and third-degree burns on 50 percent of his body. A nursing supervisor confirms that Mr. Kent is still listed in grave condition.
News Story #2
Cathedral Robbery
A couple from Taiwan was robbed at gunpoint yesterday in the Saint Mary Cathedral's parking lot.
According to Sgt. Lawrence Price of the San Francisco Police Department, police are on the lookout for a man who was last seen wearing a black jacket, and a black cap; approximately 18 years of age.
On a tour from Taipei, WeiMing Chen, 28, and his wife Li Lu, 30 became separated from their group around 10 a.m. After making their way to the lower parking lot, they were approached by a man who demanded their money while waving a gun around in the air.
The couple gave the man all they had, including their cash, their visas, their camera, their passports, and their airline tickets. After obtaining what he wanted, the assailant took off running.
It is still unclear if the couple made their 1 p.m. flight back to Taipei with the rest of their tour group.
Week 3 - AP Style Quiz A-D
1) Mayor Richard Wrigley expressed confidence that the gubernatorial debate, which begins at 7:30 p.m. (removed this evening), will have a positive effect on his candidacy. He added, “Gov. Red Davidson is a master of dirty politics, but I won’t take any of his baloney.” (4)
2) For her birthday, the nine-year-old girl invited five good friends over for ice cream and cake. The chocolate cake was so tasty that any one of the children could have eaten it all; but they carefully divided it among themselves. (4)
3) Persuaded of the bill’s importance, members of the Democratic and Republican parties came together on Capitol Hill to support anti-terrorism legislation, despite their differences on other issues. (4)
4) ROME – All around the world, Roman Catholics today listened as the pope delivered his homily. (3)
2) For her birthday, the nine-year-old girl invited five good friends over for ice cream and cake. The chocolate cake was so tasty that any one of the children could have eaten it all; but they carefully divided it among themselves. (4)
3) Persuaded of the bill’s importance, members of the Democratic and Republican parties came together on Capitol Hill to support anti-terrorism legislation, despite their differences on other issues. (4)
4) ROME – All around the world, Roman Catholics today listened as the pope delivered his homily. (3)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Week 3 - Top News
Microsoft Bids for Yahoo
Last Friday, February 1, 2008, Microsoft offered Yahoo an incredible buy-out opportunity. Microsoft threw on the table a $44.6 billion deal, where they agreed to pay Yahoo $31 per share over the current price of $28.95. This deal seemed far too nice, as it was more than 62% of what Yahoo was worth at the time. Many analysts were unsure as to whether or not Yahoo would accept the deal, due to anti-trust issues, and the yearning for independence. However, all that changed yesterday when word leaked on the Internet that come Monday, Yahoo will reject the bid.
Now Microsoft isn’t known for being the type of company that gives up easily so I doubt this minor rejection will set back their spirits one bit. From a company standpoint, it doesn’t seem like a smart move on Yahoo’s part due to the fact that they’ve been declining for more than four quarters. However, from a consumer’s standpoint, it’s certainly refreshing to see that not everyone is looking for an easy way out. If Microsoft and Yahoo were to merge, then that would limit the consumer even more. There is already very few choices out there for operating systems and search engines and to combine these two monoliths together could result in an ugly uniformity no one is ready for.
This story most certainly carries an impact news value. This would-be-take-over can potentially affect millions of individuals.
You can check this story out on all major news networks, but MSNBC seems to have the nicest layout. Link below:
Last Friday, February 1, 2008, Microsoft offered Yahoo an incredible buy-out opportunity. Microsoft threw on the table a $44.6 billion deal, where they agreed to pay Yahoo $31 per share over the current price of $28.95. This deal seemed far too nice, as it was more than 62% of what Yahoo was worth at the time. Many analysts were unsure as to whether or not Yahoo would accept the deal, due to anti-trust issues, and the yearning for independence. However, all that changed yesterday when word leaked on the Internet that come Monday, Yahoo will reject the bid.
Now Microsoft isn’t known for being the type of company that gives up easily so I doubt this minor rejection will set back their spirits one bit. From a company standpoint, it doesn’t seem like a smart move on Yahoo’s part due to the fact that they’ve been declining for more than four quarters. However, from a consumer’s standpoint, it’s certainly refreshing to see that not everyone is looking for an easy way out. If Microsoft and Yahoo were to merge, then that would limit the consumer even more. There is already very few choices out there for operating systems and search engines and to combine these two monoliths together could result in an ugly uniformity no one is ready for.
This story most certainly carries an impact news value. This would-be-take-over can potentially affect millions of individuals.
You can check this story out on all major news networks, but MSNBC seems to have the nicest layout. Link below:
Week 3 - Leads
Leads #4
Smoking Wheels
Forty passengers were evacuated today from Northwest Airlines Flight 428, coming from Minneapolis to LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
The evacuation was mandated after a landing tower employee noticed smoke near the wheels.
Missing Boy
A 7-year-old boy was found Monday night in Brick Township, N.J., after having been missing for three years.
After the movie, Adam: The Song Continues, that aired Monday night, a neighbor immediately recognized the missing child’s picture when it appeared on the screen. Police arrived shortly after, placing Ellen Lynn Conner, 27, under arrest under charges of kidnapping and interfering with a custody warrant.
Leads #5
Fact Set #1: Pipe fitter
Delayed Identification:
A 55-year-old pipe fitter employed by Gross Engineers in Springfield, suffered third-degree burns yesterday when he was installing new pipes on the roof of the Springfield Municipal Power Plant.
Immediate Identification:
At 3 p.m. yesterday, Duane La Chance, a 55-year-old pipe fitter from Springfield was admitted to the hospital after suffering third-degree burns atop the roof of the Springfield Municipal Power Plant.
Fact Set #2: Car accident
Delayed Identification:
At 11:45 a.m. today, two men, ages 19, and 20, got into a head on collision when one of their vehicles crossed the center line on U.S. 63, just North of Blue Ridge Road.
Immediate Identification:
Today at 11:45 a.m., James W. Cunning, age 20, was admitted to the hospital in satisfactory condition when Wayne Clay, age 19, crossed the center line and hit James’ 2005 Ford Focus on U.S. 63.
Smoking Wheels
Forty passengers were evacuated today from Northwest Airlines Flight 428, coming from Minneapolis to LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
The evacuation was mandated after a landing tower employee noticed smoke near the wheels.
Missing Boy
A 7-year-old boy was found Monday night in Brick Township, N.J., after having been missing for three years.
After the movie, Adam: The Song Continues, that aired Monday night, a neighbor immediately recognized the missing child’s picture when it appeared on the screen. Police arrived shortly after, placing Ellen Lynn Conner, 27, under arrest under charges of kidnapping and interfering with a custody warrant.
Leads #5
Fact Set #1: Pipe fitter
Delayed Identification:
A 55-year-old pipe fitter employed by Gross Engineers in Springfield, suffered third-degree burns yesterday when he was installing new pipes on the roof of the Springfield Municipal Power Plant.
Immediate Identification:
At 3 p.m. yesterday, Duane La Chance, a 55-year-old pipe fitter from Springfield was admitted to the hospital after suffering third-degree burns atop the roof of the Springfield Municipal Power Plant.
Fact Set #2: Car accident
Delayed Identification:
At 11:45 a.m. today, two men, ages 19, and 20, got into a head on collision when one of their vehicles crossed the center line on U.S. 63, just North of Blue Ridge Road.
Immediate Identification:
Today at 11:45 a.m., James W. Cunning, age 20, was admitted to the hospital in satisfactory condition when Wayne Clay, age 19, crossed the center line and hit James’ 2005 Ford Focus on U.S. 63.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Week 3 - Late Breaking News
Super Bowl Ads 2008
While the Super Bowl this year, was a bit of an upset, the ads during the commercials were anything but. All the major companies were there this year: Coke, Pepsi, Doritos, Bud Light, and Dell. But the company that created the most buzz with their set of commercials had to be E*Trade.
With 3d animation, and Photoshop becoming the industry standard, E*Trade thought it would be clever to use these two amazing types of “truth benders” to make an incredibly clever ad. The first which can be found here,, courtesy of YouTube, depicts a baby talking directly into the camera. The baby proceeds to address his audience, in the voice of a man no less, and lets them know how much money he saves using E*Trade. Using a form of shock advertising, attention is immediately demanded when the baby starts to speak. Since the audience is not used to having a baby give them advice, there is no choice but to eagerly listen and be amazed at the “real-ish” baby going on about how he makes and saves a ton of money using E*Trade’s services.
The second ad found here:, also courtesy of YouTube, depicts the same baby, but in an even more comedic manner. Relying still on shock advertising, E*Trade has their star back. This time, instead of the baby saying how much money he saves, which was gathered from the first commercial, the baby shows you how easy the service is. Then after he purchases the stock he throws up all over himself.
These two commercials are great examples of getting a products name, or in this case a company’s service, stuck in your brain. Whenever I see someone I have not seen since the Super Bowl, both of us seem to say at the same time “Hey, did you see that E*Trade commercial?” It’s safe to say that America is asking the same question too, because according to data collected by TiVo, E*Trades commercials made the number one replay spot this year. It would seem that the amount of money they spent on this commercial was more than worth it. Let’s see if their $176 Billion in 4.3 million accounts goes up anytime soon. I’m willing to bet it will.
While the Super Bowl this year, was a bit of an upset, the ads during the commercials were anything but. All the major companies were there this year: Coke, Pepsi, Doritos, Bud Light, and Dell. But the company that created the most buzz with their set of commercials had to be E*Trade.
With 3d animation, and Photoshop becoming the industry standard, E*Trade thought it would be clever to use these two amazing types of “truth benders” to make an incredibly clever ad. The first which can be found here,, courtesy of YouTube, depicts a baby talking directly into the camera. The baby proceeds to address his audience, in the voice of a man no less, and lets them know how much money he saves using E*Trade. Using a form of shock advertising, attention is immediately demanded when the baby starts to speak. Since the audience is not used to having a baby give them advice, there is no choice but to eagerly listen and be amazed at the “real-ish” baby going on about how he makes and saves a ton of money using E*Trade’s services.
The second ad found here:, also courtesy of YouTube, depicts the same baby, but in an even more comedic manner. Relying still on shock advertising, E*Trade has their star back. This time, instead of the baby saying how much money he saves, which was gathered from the first commercial, the baby shows you how easy the service is. Then after he purchases the stock he throws up all over himself.
These two commercials are great examples of getting a products name, or in this case a company’s service, stuck in your brain. Whenever I see someone I have not seen since the Super Bowl, both of us seem to say at the same time “Hey, did you see that E*Trade commercial?” It’s safe to say that America is asking the same question too, because according to data collected by TiVo, E*Trades commercials made the number one replay spot this year. It would seem that the amount of money they spent on this commercial was more than worth it. Let’s see if their $176 Billion in 4.3 million accounts goes up anytime soon. I’m willing to bet it will.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Week 1 - Who am I?
Doctors certainly come in different shapes and sizes, and attitudes. One doesn't even look at me, just asks questions, as if I'm a nurse practitioner. Yeah, sure I KNOW what's wrong with me. That's why I'm at the hospital. Genius. People these days. Takes 5 different doctors to actually get me the medication I need to stop the bleeding and bam! I'm allergic.
A trip to the emergency room certainly turned into a vacation - unwanted. My throat collapsed on itself due to the reaction to the medication, and Benadryl had no affect on me. So what is their solution. Nothing. No one knows what the hell is wrong with me. So why do they get paid 6 figures, to not even look at me, and just push papers? Where's the good ole doctors that would come to your house and listen to your heart and do the best they could to make you feel better. Try. What a perfect word. Try harder. Now that's even better. To all you doctors out there that think of your patients as pieces of paper - try harder. You wouldn't want me to beat around the bush if you came into my emergency room would you?
Now back to the question at hand. Who am I? That's a good question, but not one easily answered. Perhaps the beginning is a nice place to start, but perhaps working backwards is sometimes fun as well. I'm a junior at San Jose State University. Great, so what? So are thousands of other kids. Yes, but how did i get here? Hard work? Dedication? Yeah maybe, but that's how i got into San Diego State University. So why am I here at San Jose State University? I'm sure you've guessed it by now - because of a female.
Not too long ago, i was a student at San Diego State, but although my mind was where it wanted to be, my heart was elsewhere. It was alright for a little while, but being out on my own, with no one - not even a loved one - was tough. So i gave up. Plain and simple. I wanted to come back to San Jose, so i made sure that I got over here through any means necessary. And now that I'm back I couldn't be any happier (minus the frequent trips to the emergency room). Whatever.
I'm 21 years old, going on 22 here very shortly. Every now and then I'll feel like an adult, but it's kinda hard to when all i do is watch cartoons. BUT, there is an excuse. That's what i want to do with my life - animate. Not draw cartoons, but animate using 3d animation programs like Maya and 3d Studio Max. So I'm always watching what's new to get wonderful new ideas. My dream would be to work at Pixar Animation Studios doing anything. ANYTHING. Almost anything. Anything productive. Voice acting, animating, writing, storyboards, whatever. It would be the fulfillment of a lifetime goal for sure.
So i figured a writing for media class would be an excellent step in the right direction. Also, having not taken an english class since 1B a year or so ago, some writing practice would do me wonders. So hopefully, this class will help me brush up on some skills i know, but may have forgotten, and teach me new ones i can utilize in my career. Also, it's nice to be forced to keep up with current events once in a while. Because frankly, sometimes i just don't care - and that's a shame.
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